For Claire's fiesta party engagement shower, she and her sister made an amazing photo booth backdrop.
For Claire’s fiesta party engagement shower, she and her sister made an amazing photo booth backdrop.

When your daughter is a professional photographer, you’re going to need a pretty special photo booth background. My daughter, Claire, is an incredible photographer, and for her engagement fiesta shower, she and her sister, Rachel, made the most amazing DIY photo booth.

A plywood base became the foundation for hundreds of tissue paper flowers.
A plywood base became the foundation for hundreds of tissue paper flowers.

First, my husband made a large backdrop from plywood and 2x4s. He followed his own process, but this tutorial is very helpful. We didn’t see any reason to paint it since it would be covered with flowers. However, that’s an option if you want it to look professional from top to bottom.

Tissue paper flowers on a wooden backdrop
Rachel stapled hundreds of tissue paper flowers that she made to the plywood background. 

Next, make your tissue paper flowers. Here’s a great tutorial to get you started. We mixed all colors of tissue paper to make these as vibrant as possible.

Folded tissue paper in all colors
Tissue paper flowers in progress at Rachel’s house.

Next, staple your flowers to the backdrop using a staple gun. After you’ve stapled them all over the backdrop, go back and fill in any holes.

Party in a backyard.
The backdrop for the fiesta party.

For more fiesta party ideas, go here.

Two women in front of a fiesta back drop.
Hurrah! The sisters have created a Photo Booth masterpiece!

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